This article includes the second part of the Anti-Corruption Report’s in-depth interview with Brian Loughman and Richard Sibery, leaders of the Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services Practice at Ernst and Young LLP (E&Y). Our interview focused on the critical decision points for global companies confronting anti-bribery issues when operating abroad. We covered a lot of ground and, in the process, conveyed much of the key substance of the recent book by Loughman and Sibery, Bribery and Corruption: Navigating the Global Risks (Wiley 2012). In light of its length and depth, we have published our interview as a two-part series. This second part covers topics including: the dangers of petty cash; the nuts and bolts of transaction testing; FCPA-specific due diligence considerations for mergers and acquisitions; whether a company should combine an anti-corruption audit with a general audit; and best interviewing and communication techniques. The first part of the interview dealt with the challenges of designing an effective FCPA training program, techniques of effective third party due diligence and risk assessments and other actionable topics. See “Training, Certification, Due Diligence, Customs Clearance and Facilitation Payments: An Interview with Leaders of Ernst & Young’s Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Practice” (Jun. 6, 2012).