Brian Loughman is the Americas Leader of the Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Practice at Ernst & Young LLP (E&Y), and Richard Sibery leads E&Y’s Fraud & Investigations Group within the Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Practice. In those roles, Loughman and Sibery have amassed deep, detailed and current experience with global anti-bribery investigations and remediation – the sort of practical know-how that only comes with extensive, on-the-ground experience. The Anti-Corruption Report recently had the privilege of conducting a wide-ranging interview with Loughman and Sibery. The general intent of the interview was to identify the most pressing anti-bribery issues facing global companies and specific strategies for addressing those issues. In this sense, our interview sought to paraphrase some of the more important points made in the book recently written by Loughman and Sibery, Bribery and Corruption: Navigating the Global Risks (Wiley, 2012). In particular, our interview covered: the challenges of designing an effective FCPA training program; the utility of certification programs; techniques of effective third party due diligence and risk assessments; issues surrounding customs payments, including the difficult issue of facilitation payments; the dangers of petty cash; the nuts and bolts of transaction testing; why M&A transactions pose unique due diligence challenges; whether an anti-corruption audit and a general audit plausibly may be combined; and best practices for interviewing and communications. We are publishing the full transcript of our interview with Loughman and Sibery in two parts: the first part is included in this issue of the Anti-Corruption Report and the second part will be included in the next issue.