Amidst an unprecedented flurry of enforcement actions and fines levied by the SEC for off-channel communication violations, some investment advisers have raised concerns that emojis and video conferencing platforms will be the next frontier for regulatory scrutiny. Unfortunately, the current suite of technology solutions for monitoring, capturing, and retaining emojis and video communications remains imperfect. This second article in a two-part series identifies challenges that emojis and video communications present for advisers attempting to record, retain and monitor those forms of technology, and suggests how advisers can bolster their corresponding compliance efforts. The first article offered an overview of the SEC’s ongoing scrutiny of off-channel communications to date, and contemplated why emojis and video communications may be areas targeted by the Commission and other regulators in the future. See “Crafting Effective Mobile Device Policies to Satisfy Regulatory Expectations” (May 8, 2024).