What to Know (and Do) About the DOJ’s Efforts to Identify and Prosecute Cybersecurity Fraud Under the False Claims Act

The DOJ has its sights set on cybersecurity fraud and is pursuing alleged offenders in unprecedented ways. In August 2024, the DOJ joined and took over a fraud case brought by a whistleblower – the first time the United States has taken the lead role in prosecuting a cybersecurity fraud case. In this guest article, Veronica Nannis, a shareholder at Joseph Greenwald & Laake, summarizes the DOJ’s efforts since its 2021 Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative and discusses how companies can mitigate risk. See our two-part series on the DOJ’s Corporate Whistleblower Awards Pilot Program: “A Look at Forfeiture and Culpability” (Aug. 14, 2024), and “Exclusions, NDAs and Goals” (Sep. 11, 2024).

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