Answers to Top Questions About the E.U. AI Act: Practical Steps and What’s Next

The recently approved European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence, or E.U. AI Act (Act) will affect companies around the world that interact with Europeans. Imposing novel and hefty obligations, the Act has spurred unease among compliance teams, but companies are shifting to “make sense of it and make a success of it,” International Association of Privacy Professionals director of research and insights Joe Jones told the Anti-Corruption Report. This final article in a series about the landmark Act outlines initial steps and guideposts for companies as they work to satisfy its requirements. Part one delved into the law’s scope, its categorizations of providers and deployers, and provisions affecting generative AI. Part two examined how the Act treats companies’ internal AI use, risk tiers and corresponding obligations. See “Thoughts From DOJ Experts on Using Data Analytics to Strengthen Compliance Programs” (May 22, 2024).

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